CRUTCHES – ELBOW - TD 1 N 23 (Size I) and TD 1 N 24 (Size II)
Dimension (TD 1N 23): Height from Ground: 460 mm (min); 660 mm (max)
Height from hand piece to arm cuff: 165 mm (min); 210 mm (max)
Weight: 520 gms
Dimension (TD 1N 24): Height from Ground: 660 mm (min); 860 mm (max)
Height from hand piece to arm cuff: 205 mm (min); 265 mm (max)
Weight: 675 gms
Intended Use:
Indicated as a mobility aid in cases involving fractures, for ambulation by amputees of the lower limb, post-polio residual paralytics, hemiplegics etc.